Rust Tutoring/Training Sessions
$50 or $100

Get Rust tutoring or training from me, Nathan Stocks. Available one-on-one or as a small group of up to 8 people. (For groups, only have one person sign up--then share the invite with the group). I am happy to go over any of the Rust subjects I teach as slow and detailed (or as fast!) as you want. Get help with your own projects, run through personalized exercises, discuss interesting Rust topics, learn a specific skill--it's up to you how you want to spend the time. Please contact me if you have questions.

*These sessions are not affiliated with RustConf 2023. Sessions will be held in a rented room at the same convention center.

Interested in more classes, events, and sessions LIVE at RustConf 2023? Click here for the full list!